Do you have a Bookstagram account?
Yes? Awesome! What is your name over there. Let’s connect…:)
Not sure what a Bookstagram account even is? Well, keep reading!
Bookstagram is the book side of Instagram. You don’t need anything else but an Instagram account and the ability to take photos. Here is what you need to do:
Step one: Start a brand new Instagram account with a bookish name. I went with FictionBookCafe. The name can be anything you want, but it helps a lot if it is obvious your account is about books.
Why start a brand new account? To really get the most out of Bookstagram, your account will need to be mostly about books. Both who you follow and what you post about. The best way to do that is to start fresh and Instagram makes it easy to go back and forth between accounts.
Make sure you add a profile photo and write out your bio. Remember, you want it to be obvious that you love books too. Be as personal as you feel comfortable with and what you want to share with the world, but include your love for books!
Step two: Start following other Bookstagram accounts. Follow your favorite authors, and look for Instagram accounts that are all about books. Instagram also makes this pretty easy to do. After you follow a few of them they will let you know about others.
Step three: Start taking photos of your books. Start with the last one you read and loved. Take a photo, share a short review, and ask a question at the end of the post.
I have found that you don’t need to include a ton of details about the book, although some people do. You goal is to share what you love, and find others that can connect with it.
Step four: Start commenting on other’s photos. Get into the discussions. Bookstagram is a community and you want to be apart of it. Dive right in.
Don’t be shy! People love comments! As you do more and more of this you will see more and more people come back to your account. You will make friends and that can be a lot of fun.
Bookstagram is a pretty magical place. You will be able to meet other book friends, find out about new books, or authors you have never heard of before, and just enjoy your time on Instagram.
You can follow me at FictionBookCafe and let me know if you are new to Bookstagram. I would love to follow back 🙂